2010.09.15 14:06
Hello Friend,Here is your bimonthly hahahah newsletter. My sister said she really enjoyed the personal part I wrote last time so I will attempt to do it again. I will make this section the personal part and the attachment the Churchy part. (If I remember to attach) hahaha.The big thing for my family is we have decided to adopt again. We are in the process of adopting a kid from China. He is ten years old and is missing fingers and toes...tough sell for adoption normally but he seems perfect to us. We prayed a lot and decided it is what God would want us to do. We are excited and nervous. As you know we adopted our daughter but she was an infant. Things will certainly be different this time and we are preparing as best we can for the challenge before us.This addition makes us feel a little like Angelina Jolle minus the looks and money. Wife Korean, Husband White, Son Chinese, Son 1/2 Korean 1/2 White, Daughter Korean. Well you gotta keep things interesting I say!!! The nice part about this adoption is it should go quicker than our last (2 years) and quicker than infant adoptions from China (about years at this time). We are expecting to have him come home in 8-12 months.As many of you know adopting is extremely expensive $30,000 - $40,000. We decided to refinance our home to pay for the cost, plus take advantage of the low interest rates, two birds with one stone you know. Unfortunately this will only cover about $20,000. If you are interested in helping us finance this adoption we would really appreciate your support. I hate ever to admit that I can't do something on my own and I hate even more to ask for help especially money but I am willing to because I think that our new son is worth it. You can send support to 14216 Fonseca Ave La Mirada Ca 90638 (our home) if God moves you to do so, or guilt or love either way...Kayla and Ethan are excited about adding a new kid to our house. We are already planning stuff we can do with an older brother. Ethan just began 2nd grade last week and Kayla is now 3 years old. Can't wait until she is in school too. Once you read the attachment you will realize how busy our life has been lately but we are truly blessed. Everyone is healthy and happy and growing in the Lord. Kayla was just saying over and over last night "Jesus" "Jesus" after attending kids Bible study. Thanks for being part of our Journey.If you have any personal questions or church questions let me know. I would love to share more about what is going on but I dont' wont to bore everyone with details only I think are interesting.
번호 | 제목 | 글쓴이 | 날짜 | 조회 수 |
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4 | 선교지 소식 - 뉴멕시코 남창식, 영현 선교사님 8월 | dkc web | 2011.08.16 | 116692 |
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중국 사랑의 집 여름소식지
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1 | 김우종 선교사님 기도편지 | dkc web | 2010.09.06 | 33593 |